What is the Smart Thermostat Program?

The Smart Thermostat Program uses smart technology to reduce energy use on the days when energy demand is highest. 

With a smart thermostat and the Smart Thermostat Program, it’s easy to: 

  • Get rewards ($75 when you enroll and $25 after each season you participate).
  • Effortlessly reduce energy use for a few key hours during Energy Savings Events.
  • Join others in your community in keeping energy available and affordable, and protecting the planet for Michigan’s future generations.

Really hot days create heavy demand on the energy grid, and getting energy to everyone who needs it can become inefficient and expensive. To prevent this, on select hot days in the summer, we’ll schedule an Energy Savings Event.

On event days, your thermostat will cool your home before the event and then raise your settings by only a few degrees during the event. (Remember, your thermostat will only make thermostat adjustments on event days related to the Smart Thermostat Program, and never at any other time.)

After the event, your temperature settings will return to normal. You’ve successfully reduced your carbon footprint and helped keep energy costs more affordable, without ever lifting a finger. 

We appreciate your participation in the program, so to thank you, we’ll send you a $25 Consumers Energy Prepaid Mastercard® at the end of each summer you participate!

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